Hi Guest,
December 2018. 5 years since the day we launched MAD-learn. 5 years since the day we decided to venture into the world of empowering and exposing students to the world of technological possibilities. 5 years of learning how we can best serve the millions of students around the world who don’t yet have access to the learning opportunities they need to prepare them for the future. 5 years of impacting over 20,000 students. While there is a lot more to share with you once we get back from the holidays, for now let’s just say that it has been an AMAZING 5 years and we can’t wait to continue on this journey with you!
Here’s wishing you and your family a wonderful Holiday Season and a very Happy New Year! MAD-learn will be closed from Dec 22 – Jan 1 to celebrate the holidays, refresh and rejuvenate, and come back in the new year ready for you and your students in new ways. We hope you have a spectacular holiday as well!
Alefiya Master
Founder & CEO
MAD-walk to showcase and share student feedback
We all know how important presentation skills are. We’ve seen student shark tanks and showcases. Cristina Junes at Lake Local School District in Ohio came up with a whole new way to have her students present and do peer review. Here’s her experience…in her own words!
“Eighth grade students in my Technology Education course at Lake Middle High School create apps using MAD-learn. This nine weeks, I wanted the students to be able to share their app with their peers in the other sections and obtain user feedback. I could have had the students sit at their seats and view each other’s apps but research shows that movement is good for the brain. I wanted the students to get out of their seats and interact with the content. As a result, I chose to use the format of a gallery walk for this lesson. I posted preview codes for all of the apps that were created during this nine weeks in the classroom and outside of my room. Students then walked around the area stopping at different stations, using the app on their device. Afterwards, students returned to their seats and published their feedback. I wanted an efficient way for students to share and receive the feedback. I chose to use Padlet, which is an online bulletin board, for students to complete this task. Students were asked to provide at least one comment to help the group “grow” and improve their app and at least one comment that demonstrated how the app “glowed.” Students were given sentence starters to aid in this task.
A couple posts about Gallery Walks if you would like more info:https://www.edutopia.org/blog/enliven-class-discussion-with-gallery-walks-rebecca-alber
Busier than Elves as Holidays Near
As the calendar year winds down, our Product Development and Curriculum Development teams have been hard at work. We recently launched several updates to MAD-learn, including a new Curriculum section, a new MAD-store, more tutorials, and a new, easy way to get to your map mind from within the mobile app maker. Make sure you check out these updates when you login. And keep those great ideas coming, the more ideas you share with us, the better we can make MAD-learn TOGETHER!
List of MAD-schools Continues to Grow
We want to thank all of the schools that have either renewed their partnerships with MAD-learn or are just joining our MAD-family. We are so happy to know we will be continuing our work to help students at:
- Wake County Public Schools (NC)
- The Lovett School (GA)
- Putnam-Northern Westchester BOCES (NY)
- Arlington Full Service Education Center (FL)
- Sandalwood Full Service Education Center (FL)
- Mitcham Primary School (Australia)
We look forward to working with all of our schools throughout the coming year!
… joining us in celebrating our amazing Director of Curriculum and Implementation, Gregg Stone! Gregg just finished his fifth year with MAD-learn and he is so proud that he can LITERALLY say he has been with the company since Day 1. Here’s to many more years to come Gregg!